Friday, April 09, 2021


Clubhouse Already In Hot Water with Regulators

A few months ago, Clubhouse burst onto the social media scene as one of the fastest growing new platforms. However, it didn’t take long for regulators to take notice. The French data privacy regulator has already started an investigation into how Clubhouse is handling user data. European countries are known for their much stricter data privacy laws relative to the US. Clubhouse’s specific offense relates to their secret downloading of all of a user’s contacts when users sign up.

General Data Protection Regulation, or GDPR, has been used to restrict the dissemination of user information among the public and for advertisers. Nothing strikes more fear into the hearts of major tech companies who traffic in enormous amounts of personal data than the prospect of GDPR becoming a framework for regulation in other countries across the globe. The flow of data into and out of these platforms is the lifeblood of their business, and any restrictive regulation would be very, very bad for that business.

Failing to comply with the regulations could cause companies to be shut out of entire countries or regions. Given that their valuations are often based on high future growth, this could be devastating to their ability to borrow money or issue equity to keep the business afloat. Clubhouse immediately issued a statement that they are happy to be transparent and work with regulators, a common tactic from platforms. Try as they may to avoid regulation, it seems almost certain that, given the high profile societal problems blamed on the platforms, further regulation in the US and elsewhere is inevitable. The companies and their investors should take notice.



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