Friday, April 09, 2021

Zuckerberg Unhappy over Apple's New Privacy Update

Mark Zuckerberg openly criticized Apple's new and upcoming privacy update that will allow users to give or deny permission to be tracked when using certain applications. Apple is doing this to provide users with more control over how their data is handled by third-parties, amidst a time when data sharing and privacy has been a controversial topic.

In mid-March, Zuckerberg expressed his disapproval and concern with Apple's incoming policy change, while also stating that he is "confident" Facebook will be able to manage the new landscape. He is, however, not sure that small businesses and developers will be able to navigate the new tracking environment as easily.

In a time where data sharing and privacy is a hot topic, it is very interesting to see these types of changes being introduced by big tech companies when it comes to, what seems like, limitless sharing of user's personal data and online behavior. With Google introducing FLoC as well, it will be very important for digital marketers to continue to stay up to date on newly introduced regulations in order to continue to innovate and avoid using strategies that have gone stale.


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