Tuesday, September 14, 2021

SEO is a never-ending journey

Leading Digital Marketing Agency in Auckland Explains SEO in Business Leaders' Language (https://www.globenewswire.com/en/news-release/2021/09/12/2295417/0/en/Leading-Digital-Marketing-Agency-in-Auckland-Explains-SEO-in-Business-Leaders-Language.html)

We all know SEO is the process of ensuring a website is finely tuned to display as high as possible on any searches. But did you know it is also 'a continual process of refinement of a long series of very technical digital items and a continual candid assessment of what people are typing when they search' per this New Zealand based marketing agency? 

For a long time, I have people coming to me and trying to 'help OMAO improve its SEO'. I have always thought it is an one-time project. But it sounds like there is a lot more to it and SEO will be a never ending journey!

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