Thursday, October 14, 2021

Emails Emails Emails!

I thought this link from a #tech FT newsletter was really insightful; apparently, research is showing that by 2025, we will reach 376 billion emails sent + received worldwide! 

Seems like email is here to stay. 

And if anyone forgot our lecture from last week, email might not be sexy, but it gets the job done! By 2025, email users will amount to 4.6 billion people globally. With higher click-through-rates than other digital marketing tools, email is king!

Interestingly, I just spent the past few days unsubscribing from most of the promotional sends in my inbox - email might be better at getting us to click through, but it's also a drain on our attention. Do I feel like opening my inbox when I want to unplug? Hard no. But do I scroll through IG when I want to numb my mind for a couple (read: 25) minutes? Yes. And am I seeing content there that might not make me click in the moment, but certainly (visually at least) it stays with me. Maybe that is the seed that leads to a delightful excitement when I open my inbox and receive an email from that exact brand I was thinking of buying from... 

The data doesn't lie, but I'd bet that email is strong because the forces around it are doing a pretty good job of reinforcing the messages it brings.

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