Friday, October 15, 2021

Instagram problems for teen girls

The time I was a teenage, social media wasn’t as popular as now and the situation right now does make me feel worry sometimes. Instagram is full of lots of ‘perfect images’, such as girls with flawless skin, perfect body shapes..etc. As adults, we even feel bad sometimes comparing those with ourselves, not to mention the teenagers. Major social media like Facebook and Instagram do have responsibility to promote healthier online contents, which I heard before like Instagram is considering hiding the ‘likes’. However this approach becomes more and more difficult to achieve since those likes can be turned into money and cancel it can cause huge problems. Fortunately, I still see some influencers trying to convey right message like posting ‘instagram vs reality’ to let people know no one is perfect. Its good to get motivation and pursue better version of myself from those pics, but do not let it control your life.

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