Friday, November 19, 2021

Boohooman turns to AR for 'Hack Friday' campaign


A men fashion store Boohooman recently launched its 1st augmented reality ads for Black Friday campaign. The campaign ads is featured on many billboards and fly posters. Once the bar code on the flyer is scanned, the ‘hacker Robin will come alive and offer deeper discounts.

This interests me as it demonstrates that how AR can provide enhanced values to a two dimensional static ads. Compared to a passive image or video, AR ads unarguably catches customer’s attention and engages customer to interact with the ads in real-time. Through the interaction, customers would have immersed experience with positive emotions associated with the brand. It has been shown that the AR ads are more effective in increasing brand awareness. In addition, among the homogenous competition, the interactive AR ads could create differentiated experience to help the brand to stand out. Apparently, Facebook has already partnered with Spark AR Partner Network to create augmented reality ads. As more customers consider AR ads to be fun and engaging, it is expected that more brands will incorporate AR ads into their overall digital marketing strategy.

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