Wednesday, December 01, 2021

What's FB worth to you?

 I was in a different class recently and the topic of paying for free services came up. Basic outline of the conversation,  you don't like Google or FB or whoever tracking your data, then pay for it!

First, do people actually want this? And two...assuming you trust the polls...what would people actually be willing to pay?

On the first question, despite how little folks trust FB, a whopping 77% said they wouldn't pay to use the service free of ads. Now, part of me is not surprised by this but maybe not for the most obvious reason, i.e., people just prefer free over paying. I think it is more a statement that we all utilize the "free" model from many companies and simply cannot imagine having to make the choice of whether to pay or give them up. It has become cultural in a way to expect services to be free. It has become expected that companies will harvest the data. So why fight it?

Second, of the 23% who said they would pay (not that I really trust this number or group's sincerity lol), 41.6% said the would pay $1 to 5 / month, 24.9% said they would pay $ to 10 / month and the remaining roughly 1/3rd said they would pay above $10. 

I guess my conclusion really is already spelled out: we hate FB or tech companies or FAANGs, etc., but their business model is culturally accepted. Not loved but accepted.

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