Saturday, January 08, 2022

TalkShopLive: Walmart and livestream shopping

The pandemic and the rapid growth of social commerce has made livestream shopping a hot trend for global ecommerce brands. Although livestream shopping has been around for quite a while, particularly with Alibaba in China, the large U.S.-based retailers have recently adopted this virtual approach to shopping. This article provides insight into Walmart’s partnership with TalkShopLive, a social-shopping platform that allows brands to feature live shoppable content across Walmart’s owned-and-operated channels & partner sites.

The partnership positions Walmart to compete directly with Amazon’s Live Creator App (launched in 2019) and other retailers who are embracing this trend. I think this in-video selling concept, and influencer-led livestreams, will help Walmart attract a younger demographic of shoppers and create a community for home shopping. I see the current streams on Walmart Shop Live are 30-, 60-, and 90-minute+ videos. We saw a stat earlier on humans having a shorter attention span than a goldfish, so I wonder how many live and on-demand views convert to a transaction…and I am also curious how long it will take Walmart to see a profitable return on this new platform. However, based on Casey Schlaybaugh’ s quote in the article, Walmart’s objective is to focus on their reach and customer experience right now, and eventually this added element of entertainment can lead to long-term ROI for the company. 

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