Tuesday, January 18, 2022

TikTok’s Pay-Per-Click Disruption to the Disruptors

TikTok is making ground with its pay-per-click avenue for revenue. It’s unique approach to invite brands to work directly with creators gives the brands a helping hand to grow much valuable organic growth in the digital marketing universe. TikTok is also partnering with the online retail superstar Shopify to allow consumers to click a button on the video to purchase the products directly. These advantages along with TikTok’s simple one video at a time allows the social media platform to gain clean data from each user, what they like and what they are shopping for. When it comes to pay-per-click this data is the golden ticket to make an efficient ecosystem for the platform’s

Read more at: https://www.economist.com/business/2022/01/15/tiktok-isnt-silly-its-serious

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