Friday, February 04, 2022

Why and How marketers should use TikTok?

E-markets should spend time operating their brands' official account on TikTok, and this article explains why TikTok is a good opportunity for brands and how brands can draw attentions from audience on TikTok. 

How popular is TikTok?

  • Large user basis and long engaging time: as of Nov 2021, TikTok has one billion active users worldwide (excluding the Chinese version at 600 million users), with penetration of between 12% (North America) and 10 %(Latin America and Europe). The majorities are young audiences. Moreover, users spend an average of 52 minutes per day on TikTok, and 90% of all TikTok users access the app on a daily basis.  
  • Active posting behaviors on the app: 55% of TikTok users upload their own videos, which makes TikTok a platform with rich user generated contents. But TikTok is different to other platforms such as Instagram in that it values genuine content from its creators.  

Good opportunities for markers: 

  • TikTok is the best platform to reach young audience around the globe. 
  • Due to the distribution algorithm, TikTok accounts with 0 followers  can get millions of views, so you will have larger chance to win audience than on other social media platforms.
  • Does not require huge budget for video content creation, rather videos produced in ordinary surroundings has just as much as a chance of cutting through, so you can try out topics with low costs.
  • TikTok experiences higher engagement rates from the app’s followers than other social media platforms, so marketers can achieve significant buzz with a carefully-planned campaign using content that appeals to the app’s audience.

How can marketers use TikTok?

  • Start a branded channel
    • Create a branded page
    • follow trending hashtags and get involved with the latest memes - integrate into the platform, be organic
    • the videos are better in authentic content to resonate with your audience
  • Collaborate with influencers
    • Influencers can help you create contents that audience like, so you could learn from the influencers about how to market your brand on TikTok
    • When influences post your brand's content, they give your brand endorsement, which is powerful in improving your conversion rate
    • They could also help your brand reach a huge amount of audience at one time
  • Start a hashtag challenge
    • Top-performing challenges attract millions of users to create videos, it's a virus-like spreading model and can show the power of your brand to all users
    • When users participate actively in creating related videos, they are more likely to be influenced by your brand and have a higher willingness to buy your product
  • Run TikTok advertising
    • It has the scale like other platforms but it's not yet saturated with ads, so if you move faster, you can have a lower advertising cost and better effects at the same time
    • Markets can run in-feed ads, sponsored hashtag challenges and banner ads. You could target not only age, location, and demographics, you could also target people who have viewed similar contents.


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