Monday, March 07, 2022


3 Email Marketing Trends To Help You Kickstart 2022

Due in particular to the past two years' lockdown, email has become the preferred way for people to stay up to date about their favorite products and brands.  However, a simple email can’t be enough; in fact, marketers that have been able to adapt email as marketing tool, have been the most successful ones. 

With on-line shopping and ‘deliveries’ to the roof, now more than ever, consumers rely on emails.  Several studies are projecting that the number of emails that will be sent every day in 2022 will be 333.2 billion.  Yet, in order to be successful in 2022, experts recommend:

-          Focus on click rates and conversion more than on open rates:  it is crucial to find out what content leads to the highest conversion rate.

-          Keep spam complaints at bay: ideal would be not to receive one spam complaint for every 1,000 emails.

-          Test plain-text vs. HTML emails: it is crucial to define which format the target customers is better responsive

-          Experiment with shorter or longer copy: similarly, to the prior point, the right length is crucial to maintain the customer attention

-          Allow people to sign up: allowing people to sign-up for newsletter

Another crucial point I would add is to be aware of the recurrence of the email.  Marketers has always the difficult job to keep the consumer engaged and up to date with the brand without falling into ‘annoying’ solicitation and lose the consumer attention.

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