Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Avoid Being Annoying in your Email Marketing Campaign

Today, email marketing is often perceived to be outdated and “an annoyance”. However, even with this perception, email marketing has proven to be incredibly effective. In fact, according to the Marketing Insider Group, email marketing drives the highest ROI of all B2B marketing strategies. Businesses actively utilizing email marketing earn, on average, $44 for every dollar spent on email marketing. Thus, email marketing should hold a substantial footprint in most businesses’ marketing plans.

Below are some tips that marketers should consider when using email marketing. Per my review of Forbes' "10 Email Market Pet Peeves To Avoid in Your Next Campaign", I used my understanding of the top email marketing annoyances to create two key tips to generate increased subscriber interest and decrease subscriber annoyance. 

1) Businesses should not be “too pushy” in their email campaigns and should offer value.
Businesses should be intentional about the email content and frequency at which they email subscribers. Emails should be purposeful with valuable messaging (i.e., valuable information, promotional offers, reviews, customer touchpoints, etc.) and appeal to consumers’ needs and interests. People love emails with quality content, news, ideas, tips, how-tos- content of value. Well thought out emails will increase impact and help alleviate the perception of marketing emails as desperate pleas to “buy now”. Additionally, businesses should use email calendarization (based on important brand moments (i.e. holidays, sales, events, etc.) and trigger events) to dictate when emails should be sent subscribers. This will help ensure subscribers do not become inundated and overwhelmed with emails.

2) Personalization is key. Consider subscriber preferences.
Businesses should invest in the skills, tools and resources required to understand their customers. Understanding customers will allow business to develop more pointed emails as the company can segment customers into groups of people with similar characteristics, demographics and/or purchasing behavior. Segmenting customers will allow businesses to send seemingly targeted/personalized emails to subscribers. Increased targeting/personalization should lead to increased interactions with subscribers and higher conversions.

Article of reference: 

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