Friday, October 21, 2022

A Cookieless Future...


Since the 90’s cookies have remained a staple for brands who wanted to learn more about their consumers behavior. However, today we are more likely to question if cookies are continuing to do their job of helping us become better digital marketers. According to this study,, targeting a standalone variable behavior could be 15% less accurate than targeting no parameters at all.

So, are we being efficient with the data and insights from cookies? Ultimately, misusing cookies can impact our ability to optimize our ad spend and other digital marketing budgets. Additionally, with more of a focus on privacy and third-party sharing services – ecommerce sites are starting to pull back from requiring site visitors to ‘allow cookies’ in order to continue browsing or accessing content. 

Now we are left with how do we know what type of content to deliver to the visitor without cookie data? In this case, it would be intent-based advertising. By strategically moving forward with intent-based advertising, we, as marketers would be able to feed the visitor with exactly what they initially came to the site for. This could be as simple as adding a search bar and displaying ads that are “tagged” on the backend that relate to the visitors search/ preferences. In a way, this is future proofing the privacy crackdown with data tracking and cookies. Read more about privacy regulations here:

What is your solution to advertising in a cookieless future?

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