Friday, October 21, 2022

Swifty 4 Life

If one ever needed an example of a marketing machine, you can quickly search the dictionary for the illustrative example of Taylor Swift. This AMAZING human being and artist, supported by an even more amazing (re: scary) marketing machine is coming at you on all frequencies, all bandwidths, all mediums - hell, it's coming at you from inside your head. It's that wonderful soundtrack to your own life. (assuming you identify as a 32 year old woman who exclusively dates super hot, super famous dudes - well, aside from that John Mayer escapade, but his music kinda makes him hot, go YT some live shows if you don't trust me)

So, with 91.4M (and counting) Twitter followers, that TikTok reel(?), snippet(?), je ne sais quois, (I honestly don't know, because I don't use TikTok, but whatever they call video records on there) had racked up 5M views in the first 24 hours, and at time of blogging is sitting at (only) 10.4M views. And, her most recent TikTok thingy is at 8.2M views 18 hours after release, (your welcome!)

Oh, and we have to remember her appearance here in NY at NYU's graduation (come on, CU, get your act together!) back in May 2022, when she was awarded an honorary doctorate, and proceeded to tease the Midnights album, "Breathe in, breathe through, breathe deep, breathe out" - which people only figured out after connecting the dots with random Spotify branded billboards simultaneously across the world - Sao Paolo, NYC, London, etc, of course Nashville. We all know about Spotify's long game to differentiate in a crowded space, but goodness, when all those marketing power combined, they are totally Captain Unstoppable.

But, in the end, true wisdom and love deserves to be shared far and wide, and I'm thankful I'm able to do it for just a moment here: "Just be yourself, there is no one better." - Taylor Swift

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