Monday, November 14, 2022

Elon Musk

Elon Musk made the rounds a few weeks ago, visiting our companies CEO to assure us that Twitter was still a great place for advertisers. He is a dynamic yet divisive leader - while he has achieved great things, he also veers far from the status quo. I can understand why this makes advertisers and pundits uncomfortable. 

Growing up during Twitter (and many other social platforms) inception and evolution has been interesting. I popped on for the first time in a while recently and was excited to see it's become more of a discovery platform. Overarchingly, I think anything that gets generations reading and thinking and caring about the world around them is a positive thing. But when these platforms begin to represent fake realities, it starts to feel dangerous. 

It makes sense that Twitter has implemented a content moderation panel for the near future while new ownership finds its footing. Looking forward to seeing where Twitter Blue and Priority Ranking for Quality Content evolve to. 

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