Thursday, January 19, 2023

From Zero to ChatGPT Hero: How to Harness AI in Marketing

 From Zero to ChatGPT Hero: How to Harness AI in Marketing

I recently watched my co-worker use ChatGPT to help her write an investment memo and I was really impressed by its capabilities to provide content quickly with little direction. It feels a little like cheating and a little like harnessing the next greatest technology ever. I am curious as to where the line between plagiarism and useful tool lies with ChatGPT. It's nice to have options when it comes to marketing ideas and ChatGPT might be a great way to unblock a stuck content creator that needs the next blog or social media post. Is this the beginning of the end where the machines take over and learn how to market to humans better than we can to each other? It's not there yet, but it stands to reason that AI and ChatGPT will have a place in the digital marketers toolbox going forward.       

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