Friday, January 27, 2023

Niche Marketing via Influencers: How Real Estate is Adapting

The United States is a society that prides itself on the “brand” of the individual while Americans fall into the need for conformity. Luxury real estate developers are tapping into this ethos with the recent NYT pieces on niche influences that gain access to specific buildings and views in exchange for free advertising. Marketing is moving away from the general trendsetter into niche influence that reflects the “brand” of the individual who is rejecting mass conformity for the individual aesthetic. By tapping into niche influencers, luxury real estate is finally hyper-targeting a specific audience that often is difficult to engage. 

While this may seem like guerrilla marketing, this exclusivity for engagement benefits both the account posting and the product they are promoting. It is a sophisticated exchange of services for view ( in the case of the NYT article) that will no longer be available for the majority of the public once the apartment sells. In combination with the tone at the end of the piece about a South Bronx property fueling gentrification as the exchange of benefits is tried to justify the end by adapting themselves as a local member of the community via the niche influencer introductions.

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