Sunday, February 05, 2023

QR codes to potentially flood the Super Bowl 2023 commercials


There is lots of talk about how all brands could be leveraging QR codes in their ads this year for the Super Bowl.  Coinbase did this particularly well in last year’s Super Bowl – so well that it nearly crashed the app it got so much traffic.

This is a clever tactic to drive customers right to a brand’s site.  Once they are there, the brand knows exactly from what entry point they entered the site, and they can then start collecting data about them.  Ideally they could ask for their email, and once collected start 1:1 communications with them and introduce them to the brand and start their journey through the marketing funnel.

It seems that once brands caught on to the success that Coinbase, and other brands had with this method, many other brands jumped on the bandwagon as well.  I’ll be curious to see how many QR codes are shown in ads this year.  In an ever increasingly digital world, the Super Bowl continues to be a major event to collect millions of eyes.  This is an extremely clever way of digitizing that reach and providing a call to action to do more than collect impressions, but to potentially collect and convert customers as well.

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