Saturday, February 11, 2023

Superbowl Ads

This is an interesting article that shows the digital equivalent to a $7 million superbowl ad.  Further research shows that the total viewing audience for superbowl is estimated at 208M P2+ individuals (   

In comparison in digital impressions, for $7M, the stats in the article are

 Netflix – 127.2M impressions

Instagram Reels – 2.3B impressions

TikTok – 1.64B impressions

Twitter – 2.3B impressions (+$250 ad credit)

YouTube – 2.21B impressions

Newsletters – 280M impressions

 From an impression standpoint, it is shocking to see how $7M differs from digital to linear, 2.3B impressions on IG is an over one thousand percent increase of the 208M for linear.

 Looking at the ad through the digital lens, digital marketing has its own toolset for the ad:

 SEO: Content marketers can use the ad creative as a tool for SEO – there can also be “behind the scenes footage” posted to the web

 SEM: From a paid perspective, there can be a SEM spend to help generate traffic around the commercial (e.g., if a celebrity is in a commercial for a brand, that brand can build an ad using the celebrity as a key word)

 There is also utility for Superbowl ads in social, both in paid and organic.  Video clips can be posted to social platforms, and the clips can also be supported with a media buy. 

 It is also worth noting, Superbowl has merits outside of pure impressions; for many marketers there is earned media involved when doing a spot for the Superbowl.  There is typically a press release around the campaign, and the commercials are available to press outlets.


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