Friday, September 22, 2023

[Benjamin Tsujiura] ChaptGPT Generated Digital Marketing Blog


The Prompt:

“Please write a blog post between 300-400 words that provides a step by step roadmap for a small clothing retailer on how to gain more followers on instagram. Please provide a short introductory paragraph followed by a list of steps. The tone of voice should be that of a millenial female blogger who is in the know when it comes to pop culture references.”


The Post:

Title: Level Up Your Insta Game: A Small Brand’s Guide to Gaining More Followers

Hey there, fashionistas! Instagram isn't just a platform for sharing your latest #OOTD, it's a powerful tool for growing your brand. If you're ready to slay the social media game, here's a step-by-step roadmap that will consistently grow your following.

1. **Optimize Your Profile:** Your Instagram bio is your virtual storefront. Make it pop with a clear and catchy username, a clear profile picture, and a bio that tells people what your brand is all about. Use emojis for extra flair!

2. **Content is Queen:** Create stunning, high-quality content that showcases your brand. Consistency is key, so post regularly, but don't sacrifice quality for quantity.

3. **Hashtag Magic:** Research trending and relevant hashtags in your niche. Incorporate them into your posts to increase discoverability. Pro tip: use a mix of popular and niche-specific hashtags for maximum impact.

4. **Engage, Engage, Engage:**Engage with your followers, respond to comments, like and comment on other users' posts who are in your target audience. Building genuine connections is how you keep the Insta love flowing.

5. **Stories and Reels:** Don't sleep on Instagram Stories and Reels! These features are 🔥 for boosting engagement. Share behind-the-scenes content, fashion tips, and fun snippets of your day-to-day all while leveraging trending audio and Reels templates.

6. **Collaborate Like a Boss:** Partner up with influencers or other small businesses in your niche. Collaborations can expose your brand to a whole new audience or strengthen a shared audience.


7. **Timing is Everything:** Post when your target audience is most active. Instagram Insights can help you find the perfect posting times.

8. **Instagram Ads:** Consider investing in Instagram ads. They can be highly targeted, ensuring your content reaches the right people.

9. **User-Generated Content:** Encourage your customers to post photos wearing or using your products and tag your brand. Repost their content with credit to build trust and loyalty.

10. **Stay Trendy:** Keep an eye on current fashion trends and pop culture references. Incorporate them into your content when relevant to stay fresh and relatable.

11. **Analytics and Adjustments:** Use Instagram Insights to track what's working and what's not. Adjust your strategy based on your audience's preferences.

12. **Engage Authentically:** Authenticity is the key to building a loyal following. Be yourself, share your brand's story, and let your personality shine through.

13. **Stay Consistent:** Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither is a massive Instagram following. Stay patient, stay consistent, and keep adapting to the ever-evolving social media landscape.


So, there you have it, a road map that'll have you gaining followers like a Kardashian. Remember, it's not just about the numbers; it's about building a community of like-minded enthusiasts who love what you do. Happy 'gramming, and may your follower count forever be on the rise! 💁📸 #InstaSuccess


The Reflection:

I really like using generative AI for kicking off a brainstorm. This is especially useful when it is a subject I have knowledge in, but lack the true expertise to structure a sound POV completely from scratch. In the context of this prompt, I wanted to experiment with tone of voice and writer personality. I ended up removing and changing a lot of word choices that felt forced (too trendy) in order to authenticate the post more-so in my point of view. However, for the most part, I was impressed with what it returned with respect to personality. It would be my preference that it exaggerated tone of voice like it did as I find it is much easier to ‘pull it back’ then to amplify it on my own.

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