Thursday, October 05, 2023

HOW TO NAME YOUR JEANS: A guide on how to name a product to optimize your digital marketing


Ben Tsujiura


“HiFi Denim? What the hell does that even mean?”

Everyone held their breath as they turned toward the Chief Marketing Officer for a reaction. Typically, the CEO doesn’t exude so much emotion in the presence of a group, but for whatever reason ‘HiFi Denim’ struck a chord. This interaction, which only lasted ten very awkward second, caused a chain reaction of events surrounding the company’s theory and process behind naming it’s products. Not only would the CMO now be on the hook to create and share a naming theory with the leadership team, but also to run every naming decision through the CEO.

Put yourself in the shoes of this poor Chief Marketing Officer. On the subject of renaming “HiFi Denim”, here are the key things to consider if you want to impress not only the CEO but also ensure that you cut through in a digital world.

Clarity and Relevance:

Ensure that the product name clearly communicates its purpose and what it does. A name that's directly related to the product's functionality or benefits helps users understand it quickly.

Keyword Optimization:

Incorporate relevant keywords into the product name, especially if you want to improve its search engine visibility. Research and choose keywords that your target audience is likely to use when searching online.

Brand Alignment:

The product name should align with your brand identity and values. Consistency in naming helps reinforce your brand's image and makes it easier for customers to recognize your products.

Memorability and Uniqueness:

A memorable and unique product name is more likely to stand out and be remembered by your audience. Avoid generic or overly complicated names that might get lost in the noise.

Domain Availability:

If you plan to have a dedicated website or landing page for the product, check the availability of domain names that match the product name. A matching domain can make it easier for customers to find the product online.

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