Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Google fires the first shot at MS Excel (cont'd)

To add to Santosh's post regarding the Google Docs & Spreadsheets launch, I have attached a link to the application tour.

The site, released as "beta," of course, allows users to create, store and share documents and spreadsheets online. To differentiate it from MS Excel, the program also allows real-time collaboration, multiple file formats, and Web and blog publishing (in addition to being free!).

Google claims that it does not intend to compete with Microsoft in office software, as this application has limited functionality compared to the established Word and Excel platforms. But this notion is laughable - of course they intend to compete, and it is only a matter of time before they release a "new & improved" Google Docs & Spreadsheets (also for free, I might add).

Although it will be tough to wrest control of large company software platforms, small businesses and entrepreneurs will rejoice - and they are a significant portion of the market.

Here's my source article from CNET News.

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