Wednesday, October 11, 2006

A Site in Need of a Masher, a site I mentioned in class last week, is a cool online application that's brimming with potential, waiting to be snatched up -- or mashed-up - by a smart online retailer.
On the fence between buying an iPod or Microsoft's soon-to-launch Zune and think size might be the deciding factor? Log on to, enter the measurements of each device, and let the Ruby-on-Rails-powered sizing engine put things into perspective -- literally.

As the site explains,

Sizeasy allows you to compare dimensions of items you find described on the web often. Many online stores show the dimensions of items like Product Dimensions: 192x45x32mm. Although useful this doesn't give us a feel for the real size of the item that we would get going into a high street store. Sizeasy allows you to take this size information and see it drawn out to scale next to everyday items so you get a real feel for its size.

In truth, the interface is a little rough around the edges, site's image are crude, and it doesn't yet offer means of lifting its sizing engine for mash-up purposes, one hopes online retailers like and Amazon are taking notice.

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