Friday, July 06, 2012

After weeks of speculation and discussion, Microsoft officially announced their acquisition of Yammer for $1.2 Billion dollars on June 25th. The question on everyone’s mind is whether or not Yammer’s product warrants such a large purchase price. Yammer can best be described as a Twitter for businesses and competes with other social media services specifically for enterprises, such as Oracle and Salesforce. Microsoft must quickly figure out how to monetize Yammer and expand and capitalize on the group of customers that now pays for their premium services in order for this investment to be worth the price tag. As social media continues to expand, and as we continue to get more bogged down with the excessive information we are receiving on a daily basis, the ability to classify certain types of social media under specific buckets will go a long way in reducing the disorganized information flow coming from Twitter and Facebook on a daily basis.  

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