Friday, July 06, 2012

Battle of the Sexes Online

Is Social Media a female playground?? Facebook and Twitter now are the majority on both social networks, posting far more frequently than their male counterparts. Women are far more involved and engaged on social networks and have even taken the lead on Zynga, an online gaming site, that has historically been male dominated. The explosion of Pinterest in the last year has proved how effective it can be to publishers and advertisers by capturing these active female users. The Cooking Light, website has seen a 6000% increase in their traffic in just six months. The better that publishers and advertisers come to understand the online ecosystem the better they are going to be able to disseminate  their brand messages and effectively utilize their marketing dollars to reach the users that will most effectively share their message. Below you will find an interesting map of the online ecosystem and the different groups that comprise each website.

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