Friday, July 20, 2012

Mobile Mania - Top Hedge Fund Player Voices Concerns

Everyone is focused on monetizing mobile, but there are concerns esp as not even GOOG nor FB can figure it out.

Large TMT Hedge Fund player Philippe Laffont, founder and portfolio manager of Coatue Management (a Tiger spin out), weighed in on Facebook the other day, stating the fact (and concern) that it was built before debut of smartphones.

“It is a company that is sort of PC-based,” he said, adding that social networking has become a casual encounter better positioned for a mobile platform.

Laffont cited Facebook’s acquisition of Instagram as a smart move because it will help Facebook integrate on mobile, but he said the purchase was also a sign of weakness: “I don’t think it’s going to be so easy for Facebook.”

Not even Google has figured out the trick to monetizing the growth of mobile Internet access.  GOOG posted a second-quarter profit of $2.79 billion, up from $2.51 billion based on the dominance of its Internet search business. Paid clicks on Google’s advertisements were up 42% from a year earlier, but price per click fell 16%.  Google pulls in less ad revenue from its service on mobile phones. The latest quarter was Google’s first since closing its $12.5 billion purchase of Motorola Mobility, which contributed $1.25 billion in revenue or about 10% of Google’s total for the quarter,

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