Thursday, July 19, 2012

Newly Monetized YouTube Promises Better Reach and ROI for Madison Avenue

YouTube has decisively attained a "Paid Digital Media" business model that promises to excite and stimulate provider, viewer and advertiser alike.  YouTube’s unique platform will be equipped to live-stream the Summer 2012 London Olympics, giving advertisers a chance to capture a gold medal in the ROI marathon.

In Ryan Lawler’s TechCrunch (19 July 2012) article, Nikesh Auro, Google’s SVP and chief business officer, explains the leaps and bounds the User-Generated Content Site has achieved since its debuted in 2007.  Brand advertisers can now count on higher ROI for their YouTube TV spot counterparts.  NBC Universal and YouTube have partnered up in preparation to service people in over 60 countries with event video coverage.

While Authority and Influence rule "Earned Digital Media", the up-front media buy has taken on a new digital persona, one that gives marketers, such as American Express and Unilever an edge in terms of Reach and Frequency.


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