Tuesday, July 17, 2012

One Company's Challenge To Disconnect

Denver based, FullContact.com, a cloud-based contact management solution for businesses, developers, and individuals, wants its employees to disconnect their emails, IMs, facebook, and other contemporary connections for a a full week and enjoy a vacation AWAY.  If they are able to meet the challenge, the CEO will give them a $7,500 bonus.  It's an interesting policy given our society's move toward virtual offices and flexible work hours.

It all started when Bart Lorang, CEO, was photographed using his I-phone on a vacation to Cairo, Egypt, with his fiancee.  He reflected on seeing the picture and said to himself, 'What am I doing?'.  This lead to changing his message to his employees - Bart wants you work hard, but when you're on vacation, BE on vacation.

In addition, FullContact is getting great press exposure as a result of this new policy (Market away!).


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