Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Ethics programs ...Good Or Bad

Have you guys heard of Ethic applications or good behavior technologies?

These are applications that act like a coach by directly influencing a buyer or user choices and motivating one to eat better, exercise more budget our money …etc.! Many users download this software to curb impulsive buying and other crazy behaviors.  Capitalizing on three inter-related movements which are 1) nudging, 2) the quantified self, and 3) gamification—the good-behavior layer pinpoints our mental and emotional weaknesses and steers the “victim” away from temptations that compromise long-term success.

These Ethic applications or good-behavior technologies gets the job done by bolstering resolve with digital willpower and tweaking “user” responses with alluring and repulsive information. These programs also shield “user” from distracting and demoralizing data. The digital willpower helps us better control and redirect our destructive urges.

For example, application such as ToneCheck prevents us from sending off hotheaded emails, while GymPact inspires us to go the gym. A researcher from MIT Sloan School’s Center for Digital Business, indicates that the next generation applications have the potential developments in “promptware” platforms which cue ideal behavior For example, the application can sense that user exhausted and recommend we should break before making an important call!  And EVEN make real-time corrections to improve their performance! Now, there are car makers exploring such “Ethic programs” where if the driver’s alcohol level is over the limit or drunk, the car will not start!”

I was just thinking that in the future when more people rely on such “Ethic programs”  to  make judgments and  live by such rules the” dumber” we will become in this digital world. Imagine marketers can perfect such a program that it is not ethic not to have something! E.g like the car marker “Ethic programs” a car service can advertise on such program. “Mr. Drunk you are total wasted, there are 3 options for you. Press 1, Order a pillow and a blanket online and sleep in your car. Please select your prefer pillow brands from Amazon, Wal-mart, etc. Press 2, to call for a car service Press 3, The nearest motel….. and the list goes on!  You can pay through credit card or paypal ….
Another example, Miss Big money spender, your spending too much money spending on cosmestics and your LV Gucci bags ...you now have 2 options: Press1,  for a credit loan from the selected advertised credit service companies to lower credit card debt. Press 2, to see an afficilated with our Ethics program pyscholgoists nearest to you for $99 per hour.

I am sure there is good things about such programs and help us to make better decisions too. What is the meaning of White color or black color ….there is still a shade in these 2 basic colors! From Pearl white to bleach white color …from coal black to mid night black.  You guys know what I meant …In the end, the Ethical programs may turn out unethical because we are so dumb or lazy in thinking and choosing what is best for us that we depend on such programs that we may just end up buying or doing something that is not really best for us. We will buy this product or use this services on the advertisement on the Ethic program because it says so …just like when my old man yelling at me “Because, I said so!!!” 
Well, just my thoughts ...


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