Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Will Marissa Mayer be able to breathe some life into the flailing Yahoo!?

Yesterday, Yahoo! received some much needed good news regarding their CEO search. Marissa Mayer, Google’s 20th employee and their first female engineer, who has been credited with pioneering the sleek look of Google’s search page and most recently led Google’s local endeavors, will become Yahoo!’s new CEO. This is a good sign for Yahoo!, who has in recent years lost focus on groundbreaking web technology, falling significantly behind the pack in recent innovations in social and mobile. The choice of Mayer as CEO is a sign that Yahoo! is aware that they need to refocus on technology, the very thing that first made them a success over a decade ago. Since 2008, Yahoo! has seen their share of the online display space plummet to their competitors, Facebook and Google. Hopefully, Mayer who has both product and advertising experience can bring some much needed innovation to the ailing internet giant. Yahoo! shares gained 2% in after-hours trading yesterday, a sign that the street has confidence in Mayer’s ability to try to turn Yahoo! around.

1 comment:

  1. I think an equally important question is what happens to Ross Levinsohn, Yahoo's ad chief, and interim CEO until Ms. Mayer's arrival. Levinsohn has a deep background in advertising and a loyal employee base. Getting pushed aside could see him walk, which could have serious implications for Yahoo.


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