Monday, November 26, 2012

Android vs. Apple: a duopoly worldwide

The rise of Android as the world's mobile platform of choice continues, with Android estimated to have over 50% market share worldwide in Q2 2012, according to a report by IDC.

Looking at just the US market where Apple has its largest market share, Apple's share has grown from 25% to 34% over the last two years, while Android has leaped from 26% to a staggering 53% share in the last quarter. These numbers will have varied significantly at the end of the year due to the launch of the iPhone 5. 

"All of these gains have come from the collapse of other platforms, namely RIM, Microsoft, and Palm, which, collectively, have collapsed from 49% of the market to 13% of the market. Combined, Apple and Android now have an 87% share of the US market, about the same as their 90% share internationally. The days of the easy market share gains from weak players, therefore, are almost over. Hereafter, the two platforms are mainly going to have to compete with each other"

Apple remains the most profitable platform thanks to its high prices.  

Read more information and a comparison of each platforms' competitive positioning on:

Mobile Platform Market Share

Cross-Platform Revenue Comparison: iOS vs. Android

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