Monday, November 26, 2012

Friday or Monday?

Should I impulse buy on Black Friday?  

I faced this daunting question over Thanksgiving weekend.  I was sitting on my couch surfing Amazon and other retail sites looking at Black Friday online deals.  They looked good. Good enough to keep me on my couch and not looking around for the car keys to head to the store.  But I was conflicted with every item that I added to my cart.  Would the sale be even better on Monday?  I decided to take the leap and buy the things I needed, ahem, wanted on Friday and then check back on Monday hoping to see that I had made the right choice...

Cyber Monday Morning Quarterback

YESSSS!!!  I made the right choice.  The DSLR camera I purchased 3 days ago is over $100 more expensive on Cyber Monday!  The other items I got seem to be around the same price but their diminutive price compared to the camera makes me say "whatever" when I see that I could have save $2 by waiting until Monday to buy the 16 GB SD card to put in my camera.

I hope I make the right choices next year...

-- Interested in talking about videos?
Contact Michael at Melmed Media 

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