Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Mobile Marketing Trend

I don't know a great deal about mobile marketing so I wanted to do a little research and I came across an interesting article on 10 trends for mobile marketing in 2013:


There was a table with the trends highlighted and the actions that needed to be taken.

Looking at this list, I see one particularly important underlying fact: most companies are not well equipped to take full advantage of the mobile channel. The first trend says marketers will realize that mobile requires a total shift in their marketing approach. Trends 7-10 all relate to a need for increased investment in mobile.

It's interesting to me that mobile has existed as a channel for as long as it has and major companies still have a lot of heavy lifting to do to prepare themselves to be ready to take advantage of the channel. I suppose part of the answer is due to what I witnessed while working in online display, that the senior people in the marketing departments of many large companies are still "traditional marketers." What this means is that they existed and built their careers during the prominence of traditional media (newspaper, direct mail, TV, radio) and the amount of sophistication / overwhelming nature of digital media prevents them from necessarily being the most qualified to take advantage of these channels.

As a result, I see two opportunities: first, being for companies that can make the mobile channel extremely easy to use and understand for these traditional marketers. Second, for individuals who want to build a successful career in marketing as needing to become experts in this channel in order to have a promising career a few years now. I look forward to seeing how mobile marketing evolves over the course of the rest of this year.

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