Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Tips on managing FB fan pages

1. Don't stop posting new status on weekend

Research shows that the interactive rate is 14.5% higher in weekend than in weekdays. However, only 14% of the posts are post in weekend.

*interactive rate: (number of like+number of sharing +number of comments)/number of impressions per post

2. The best date to post
Advertising and Consulting industry, CPG, Finance, F&B,  : weekend
Automobile, Retail, Healthcare and beauty,Tech : Monday
Fashion, sports and travel: Thursday

3. The best timing to post
8 P.M-7A.M. This period has 14% higher interactive rate than the rest.

4. Raise a question
Will raise 15% of the interactive rate and 200% of comments.

5. Call of action
Directly imply your fans how to response. Eg, you want your fans to leave comments, likes or sharing.

Resource: Buddymedia

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