Sunday, July 14, 2013

Build and monetize an email database

In this week’s blog I would like to share how a friend of mine was able to build a 4 million high quality email database.

Building the database
The company was looking to independently build a high quality email database for a specific region in Europe. In order to attract new recipients they started to advertise for a competition that would give away a city trip. After correctly answering three (simple) multiple choice questions, the participants were asked to fill in a number of demographic data points (Gender, Age, Education, Region) as well as their email address in order for them to be eligible to win the price (a lucky winner was chosen every couple of months). When subscribing for the contests the customer would also give permission to receive promotional offers. After the subscription the customer were immediately directed to a page with ads from providers of city trips. The referrals the company made to these providers more than covered the in costs made in the required advertisement to make them participate in the contest.

Monetizing the database
The more you know of the customers in your email database, the more the database is worth. Using the available demographics they were able to provide publishers a tailored customer base.
Months after the contestants had participated in the contest they were still eligible to win a free city trip. Each promotional email reminded them that they were still participating in the next lottery. For this reason the open rate was relatively high and the unsubscription percentage was still low.
Since the company would be paid by referral it was in his interest to maximize the life time value (LTV) of each recipient. For each campaign the company carefully looked at the relevance of the message to each recipient based on demographic profile and past behavior (did they click on a travel related campaign before? what was the last time the person had received an email?). By analyzing all past data and always using test campaigns (only sending out a small number of emails to specific segments) the company only sent out a campaign to specific sub-segment to ensure that they would always maximize the overall LTV of the customer base.  

A email list that is carefully managed has a value between 0.25 and 0.35 cents per user per year.

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