Monday, July 15, 2013

Distributed marketing and ad spend trends - a snapshot from July 2013

Marketing Charts recently published data showing where ad spend is going in a number of medium. The headline "Global Ad spend outlook worsens for most media" is an accurate headline, but it doesn't tell the full story. On a closer look, there's opportunity for multichannel, digital component of the advertising pie continue to grow. From a marketing channel perspective, A projected 13.9% growth in year over year Internet advertising spending TV and radio ad spend essentially flat, with growth projections of 2.5% and 1.4% year over year Magazines and newspaper spend to decline by 4+% From a geographic front, The global ad growth rate year over year is 3.4% USA ad spend only expected to grow by 1.8% BRIC countries (Brazil, Russia, India & China) will have much to do with the growth. Brazil is projected to see a growth rate of 8.1%, Russia 12.1% India 8.4%, and China 9.7% Internet advertising medium is the dominant player in advertising. Companies that fully embraces internet medium are the ones who will be most likely to experience enhance marketing return on investment numbers and corporate financial performance numbers. With the growth in internet advertising comes with growth in the complexity in the marketing environment. I believe this complex marketing environment creates a new market for solution to simplify the content management, optimization and distribution process, to build an enhanced distributed marketing platform.

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