Saturday, July 27, 2013

Cash Mob

We talked about Groupon today. Groupon is a best way for the shops to know how much inventory they need to prepare in advance. For restaurants, they can easily control the material they need and reduce the risk of stocking food material. Also, they can arrange the amount of staff, avoiding waste of human capital.

However, mostly we can't choose what store/restaurant we want. We can only wait and see what is coming up next. Some really bad restaurants have made deal with Groupon and provide good deal, thus people will still buy the coupon and go.

Is consumer sick of this? You have no power to choose the store you want to spend money on? (Of course you can, just without discount)

Some people start the anti-groupon activity. They choose the shops/restaurants they want to go, and invite many people to go there at the same time. The shops/restaurants do not know in advance. For them, it's a great surprise. Suddenly many people come and spend money.

This activity is arrange by a group of people called "Cash Mob" (from the idea of "fresh mob"). In order to support local products, they keep arrange this kind of activity to spend their money on those shops.

The event site:


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