Saturday, July 27, 2013

Decoding Digital Marketing Intelligence

As more businesses are becoming “digitized” they are beginning to understand not only the importance of data collection, but also how imperative it is to gain actionable insights from the data.

Many businesses today are making major strategic decisions without using the data to tell them what is really happening. Businesses are building or shrinking marketing budgets based on limited information, and often the wrong information. With all of the advances in digital marketing and social media technology, it is crucial that companies use the right tools to gather information and the right people to intelligently decipher the data.

When businesses receive the “big data” intelligence, they should answer these questions:
·         What is the intelligence telling us?
·         How accurate do we feel that the information is?
·         How current is the information?
·         How can we decipher this information to help us make more intelligent decisions?
From a very high level, businesses are using analytics to track:
·         The performance of digital assets (websites, landing pages, blogs, videos, social pages, ads, search rankings, etc.)
·         User behavior (where are they coming from, what’s driving them to our web pages, what are they doing once they get there, how long are they staying, when and where are they leaving and why, and are they taking some kind of action?)

Google Analytics is an open source (free) analytics tool in existence and can be easily installed in most websites. Its capabilities include:
·         Content analytics
·         Conversion analytics
·         Advertising (marketing channel) analytics
·         Mobile analytics
·         Advanced segmentation

More advanced enterprise-level analytics tools require an investment. Some advanced analytics tools include:
·         Clearsailing
·         C3Metrics
·         Adometry


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