Saturday, August 10, 2013

Connecting the hashes...

Twitter and Datalogix, a digital media and database marketing firm, announced this week that they will be working to estimate 'offline sales impact' of tweets.   How are they doing this you ask, because you try to stay anonymous by using a Hashtag?  Datalogix obtains email addresses from stores that a user has registered and combines it with information obtained from Twitter by matching email addresses to hash tags.  While this is a necessary move for Twitter which needs to prove its efficacy in the marketing world, does it render the users of twitter to more targeting? Twitter has addressed privacy of individual tweeters by adhering to a set of guide lines described at  However, we all know that privacy rules can be changed by companies easily.

Marketing today has become personalized and customized to each individual that it is bordering on creepy.  Most digital marketers who know the ins and outs of the digital world choose not to leave a digital footprint on any of the sites.  Credit card companies, search engines such as Google, and retailers like Amazon to Target have intimate knowledge of where we are physically, what we are buying and what we might purchase next.  With so much of our information being publicly available, don’t you feel that the outcry about the government tracking information about our phone calls is reverse discrimination?

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