Saturday, August 10, 2013

The New Enterprise IT model

Look around and consider the technologies we rely on today: social platforms, smartphones and tablets, analytics and cloud computing. It’s hardly news that the impact of these advancements has forever altered the way we live — and not just on a personal level. They've infiltrated the workplace too, creating an unprecedented and, in some cases, caustic reaction for many proven business models.

To remain relevant, companies need to digitize and virtualize the way they work, updating key processes — as well as the organizational and financial models that support them — to keep up with today’s information-based markets.

Make sure your organization understands this new technology wave and learns how to ride it.  Start by focusing enterprise attention and resources on three key, interrelated issues:

·         Technology: Harness the multiplying effect of this new technology stack to transform your business.
·         Business Models: “Unchain” your industrial value chain by creating boundary less ways of working within your organization and with business partners and customers.
·         Focal Points: Identify key knowledge process areas where the confluence of new technologies and ways of working can truly differentiate your business.

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