Monday, September 23, 2013

Gmail tabs impact on email open rates and what it may mean for Google

Mailchimp has released some interesting data on how the new gmail layout is affecting open rates for emails. As I am sure pretty much everyone has noticed, Gmail now groups your emails into tabs such as promotions and social.  These tabs have been touted by Google as a way to help users manage their inbox and avoid the overload that many of us encounter upon logging into gmail.  Many businesses that rely on email newsletters however, have a fear that the new layout will hinder their ability to reach customers. How real is this fear? Well, the early figures from mailchimp show that their fears may be real. The graph below shows a small, but visible drop in open rates from original inbox to the new tabbed version.   GmailTabs02
One obvious way to go here, is to ask "why is Google doing this?" Many people think it could be an attempt to improve Google advertising options by detracting from other methods of reaching consumers.  It is too early to tell if the impact of tabs will be an increase in revenue for Google, but it is worth monitoring for sure.

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