Having now worked in the sports industry for the past couple of years I have become convinced that aside from winning, the number of strategies for gaining new fans are diminishing. As we all know, the millennial generation is hyper-plugged in and unwilling to commit. Family-oriented team allegiances are no longer passed on from one generation to the next. There are too many offerings, too little time, and an overwhelming number of distractions. With these challenges to consider, it has become clear that social media will become the dominant force is attracting and retaining new fans. Young adults are much more likely to be roped in by a captivating video or post than they are by a news article. With this in mind, it is imperative that sports teams build out their social media teams and create their own content. This is an expensive undertaking, but worthwhile as content (video/gifs/memes/pictures/etc) is now becoming more important than written articles.
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