Sunday, October 13, 2013

Apple is poised to make a play for home automation

Apple is currently working on an iWatch, which will be a device that will allow you to (among other things) control the music, security, temperature and lighting for your home from a wristband-like device that resembles a watch.

While this is, on the surface, a play in the up-and-coming home automation space, it seems that this will be yet another avenue for the collection of data.  If Apple can figure out a way to collect, package, and then re-sell the data that will undoubtedly be able to be collected as users adopt this product, they could tap in to a revenue stream that will far exceed sales of the iWatch.

Buyers of this analytical data could use the information to identify music tastes by user, household or neighborhood.  Utility companies could determine when a household is most likely to use heat, air conditioning and lighting and use this to optimize their pricing structure.  Basically, all of the "off-line" activities that encompass coming home, or moving from room to room while at home, have the potential to be "on-line" when the iWatch is debuted.

It will be interesting to see how Apple, as well as the field of data analytics, will use the data that will become available as users adopt this product.

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