Sunday, October 27, 2013

Data, data everywhere … but only a 1 in 2 chance that it’s actually right!

I’ve been doing some research for my group project into the issue of data management and collection, and what advertisers really know about you. The shocking truth, according to a limited survey carried out by a firm called Enliken (whose business is to get people to give them more accurate data about themselves in exchange for access to content) is that half of what advertisers think they know about you – from your politics to your style – could be wrong.

Although the survey only covered 116 people and about 9000 data points, its findings were seen to provide a valuable sample highlighting the biggest issue with current tracking and ad-targeting companies – namely, that they may capture a lot of data and link it to a profile, but in actual fact much of it can be wrong. 

The low levels of accuracy can be for various reasons – from user-entered inaccuracies, to error-prone software to false positive and negatives in the interpretation of data points. As for company performance, well Yahoo came in lowest on the league, with 48% inaccuracy and worse than bluekai at 40%. Google came in first, but still with an average of 20% inaccuracy and 12% uncertain.

In the Mashable article, where the writer himself took the survey, he came out on the upside – only 26% of the data about him was obviously wrong! If that’s seen as "good", no wonder why it's so hard to design a really effective online marketing campaign.

Read on: For more details on the accuracy (or inaccuracy!) of the top tracker companies (including bluekai, Yahoo! and Google), see the story at Mashable:

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