Sunday, October 27, 2013

It’s the little things: Moment marketing and how a single tweet can drive an entire campaign

I was fascinated to read Cameron Clarke’s recent article in The Drum that Nokia's 'Thanks Apple' tweet has now officially been recorded as one of the most retweeted brand tweets ever.

The story: During Apple’s hyped launch event for its new iPhones last month, Nokia cashed in on Apple’s huge media spend and media buzz by harnessing Twitter to poke fun at its rival.  A two-work tweet from Nokia’s UK account -  “Thanks, Apple” – accompanied by a picture declaring “Imitation is the best form of flattery” played on the similarity between the Apple’s newly unveiled iPhone5’s colour phones and Nokia’s own range of bright designs.

The stats: Nokia’s tweet went viral and garnered an astonishing 38,000 retweets, which puts it in the top echelons of marketing tweets in the site's history. That was more retweets that Oreo’s ‘Dunk in the dark’ tweet from the Super Bowl, when Oreo capitalised on a power cut during America’s most watched sporting event and became on of the most talked-about brands without having to pay a dime.

The point: It just shows how a clever and timely spin on a current event or announcement – even a competitor’s – can drive brand exposure and enhance brand values online and off…. Timing, of course, is everything … but it doesn’t cost a penny. 

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