Sunday, November 10, 2013

Phones on Airplanes

The FAA announced that starting 11/1 passengers could use their electronic devices (phones and tablets) at all times on airplane flights, including takeoff and landing. I actually find this rather depressing. This means that the people that couldn't handle not using their cell phones for the 5 minutes at the beginning of the flight and for the 5 minutes at the end of the flight will now be happy. Apparently we are a society that is that attached to these devices that we can't stand to be apart from them for even a few minutes here and there. Actual phone calls are still prohibited, yet does that even matter anymore?  I think people would rather have the ability to text, email, or post than they would a phone call.

I think this is a demonstration of just dependent we are on the idea of being connected. And what are we so insistent on being connected to? The discussion around work-life balance rages on as people complain that they are slaves to their jobs and want more free time to enjoy "life". People claim to want more personal time with family and friends but then jump at any chance they can get to log-on or check social media sites. Maybe this is what the new definition of enjoying "life" is all about.  More time to make status updates, post pictures and send emails.

Regardless of how big of a deal this change is, I think it symbolizes how wired we all are now and how we crave every minute of connectivity that we can get.

- Mallory Godwin

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