Monday, July 14, 2014

Zipdial Start-up: facebook ads on dumb phones

This start-up is aiming to solve the problem of mobile data in India and in the other emerging markets.
India has 100 million Facebook followers but the company doesn’t know anything about them: “They're invisible," said Ms. Wagoner, Zipdial's CEO."They're transacting in cash, and they've never been online.“
Here the solution: Zipdial serves as an analytics platform for ad buyers and sellers, providing what Ms. Wagoner calls an "offline bridge" to brick-and-mortar transactions. In this way customers can be tracked.
Each marketing campaign with Zipdial can cost between 2000 and 20000 dollars, not so much for companies that can reach up to 100 million people.

May this be the beginning of the expansion of facebook and other social network in emerging markets?  

More details:

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