Monday, September 29, 2014

Empowering Filmmakers to Build Brand Awareness

 As travel brands strive to establish their own identity and voice, digital marketing content is transforming from social media postings highlighting promotions and new products to stories inspiring wanderlust.

I first caught glimpse of 'Move' shared on a friend’s Facebook page, there in one brilliant minute of compelling content three friends traversed 11 countries and 38,000 miles and left me eyeing Google Flight Search’s “I’m Feeling Lucky” button.  With no blatant brand plastered across the images, I was drawn to the friends’ adventure – a personal story of a trip of a lifetime. It instigated memories of my steps on some similar global roads. Only months later did I realize that ‘Move’ was a part of a video series campaign commissioned by STA Travel to build brand awareness.  

‘Move’ now has over 2.5 million views on Youtube where STA’s branded video appears. The Director, Rick Mereki, has his personal channel where ‘Move’ views exceed 15.5 million. The short video was by no surprise one of Vimeo’s advertising finalists in 2012.

Tourism boards and travel brands are beginning to stray away from the scripted and impersonal video, bringing back the thrill of unknown destinations. Key to this new content approach’s success is the brand’s trust of filmmakers to capture the location’s mysteries in their own manner. Stepping away from the corporate restrictions on content empowers filmmakers to do what they do best: be storytellers. Engaging, powerful content which offers a fresh perspective will spread itself across social network sites as we have seen with ‘Move’ as well as with Barcelona (funded by the Catalan Tourism Board) and Enter Pyongyang (funded by Koryo Tours, the leading North Korean travel specialist). 


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