Monday, September 29, 2014

Google's New Grab for Mobile Ad Dollars

Despite the rise of mobile and the ever evolving discussion about the mobile experience, what ad platforms haven't figured out yet is exactly how to woo the advertising dollars that the mobile audience should command.

A new attempt is being made by Google, which has just announced it is rolling out 4 new formats - 3 of which borrow heavily from the the interstitial ad format. The idea here is that they will mimic the television experience that consumers are already comfortable (i.e. people won't be "turned off" because they've grown accustomed to them).

Besides their user friendly nature, the benefit to advertisers (which is perhaps part of Google's attempt to entice them onto the platform) is that they will only pay if users clicks to expand and connect with the ad.

The jury is still out re: whether or not these formats will work (although they've long existed in mobile gaming apps), but it certainly seems to be a step in the right direction.


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