Google, YouTube, and traditional broadcaster ABC Networks have teamed up to revamp ABC's traditional line of video advertisements ahead of the network's new fall lineup of TV shows. This would be in an effort to retool traditional marketing vehicles to better target and appeal to the younger viewers that are more attuned to online video and content channels such as YouTube than traditional channels like broadcast television. The main driver here is that up until now, ABC has been merely "porting" its TV advertising content directly over to online channels - meaning, simply showing its TV commercials on YouTube, without any changes or modifications, and no custom content whatsoever.
The problem with this strategy is that the types of ads that are appropriate for offline TV viewing, or the kinds of ads that resonate with that audience in that format, are not necessarily the types that work best for consumers of online video. According to the article, this is because A) the format itself is different and demands different level of attention from viewers, and B) viewers themselves have differently on this channel. This prompts a need to create and optimize targeted video ad content specifically for online video channels.
I think it's interesting that Google helped "consult" with ABC on how to modify its existing ad ad content - this shows Google taking an active partnership and professional services role to help encourage advertiser spend on its networks. This is an interesting hybrid of consulting-type advisory and ad placement vending. Google identified several principles - such as "grab attention in the first five second" and "consider partnering with YouTube stars" - that seem better suited for its channels, which viewers often consume in smaller bites when compared to regular TV. This also lead ABC to the creation of custom ad content specifically for online channels - several examples are included in the source link.
The idea there is to drive engagement in a way that simply copy/pasting traditional video advertisements from broadcast to online channels cannot. This relates back to the idea that quality, appropriate content and copy is crucial to engaging users online through digital marketing tactics. With this revamped strategies, ABC's shows "Blackish" received a 61% bump in search volume, and another show called "How to get Away With Murder" had a 170% jump in ad recall among users. These are tangible results that really reinforce the new strategy being adopted by ABC, and it's expected to lead to a wave of the other major broadcasters adopting a targeted digital strategy next year as well. I'm personally not surprised at all by these results, as it shows how old strategies and ways of thinking cannot be simply copy/pasted to new online venues and expected to become successful. Time and time again we've seen old industries fail to adapt to the nuances of online distribution, and its interesting to see online video advertisements finally catching up.
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